Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/anonymouse/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in hetzner.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
bb:c6:9c:ee:6b:c0:67:58:b2:bb:4b:44:72:d3:cc:a5 localhost@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
It wil generate two files at the specified location( default at ~/.ssh/) . File woul dbe named and id_rsa (if no name is supplied). Rename id_rsa ,the file without extension, to it_rsa.pem. This will be your private key.
Now don't forget to add the key to the ssh agent
ssh-add keyName.pem
(Note: Do verify your ssh-agent is running.If not run it: eval `ssh-agent -s` )
2) Pass public key to your server to make this key pair work
ssh-copy-id -i ~/ root@your.server.ip
Follow the steps you see in the output of this command
Verfiy that you've all trusted keys listed in authorized_keys file on server:
sudo nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
or $ sudo cat
2) Test the connection now. Try login from client using private key(.pem) into your server:
sudo ssh -i ~/id_rsa.pem root@
If you have multiple servers and prividing private key in the input is tedious for you, then generate ssh config file. This way you can access your server simply by SSH'ng into it by their name
SSH config
- Generate ~/.ssh/config file with following content/template:
Host server1
User ubuntu
IdentityFile /media/11361B1123123634/server1.pem
Host server2
User root
IdentityFile /media/11361B1123123634/server2.pem
Host myPC myPC.local
User mike
IdentityFile /home/mike/.ssh/id_rsa
This file is recognized by ssh and would be used by other utilities like rsync as well.
Try SSHin'g now
ssh server1
- Permissions on clients ~/.ssh should be dr-xr-x---
chmod 550 .ssh
- Troubles with key path, rsync prompting for password when should not
If using rsync with sudo, it looks for key file in /root/.ssh/config not in /home/user/.ssh/config, so be sure to copy or link this file to correct location, otherwise ssh and scp will be working fine while rsync will prompt for password.
- Error while running ssh-add
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64:~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
Here You might need to start ssh-agent
before you run the ssh-add
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`$ ssh-add
if in root its' not working then try this:
$ exec ssh-agent bash